
The Compact Water Softener That Does Big Jobs in Small Spaces

Have you assumed you could not enjoy the benefits of soft water in your home because you don’t have room for a water softener? It is time for you to meet the WaterBoss. The innovative engineers at WaterBoss have developed a compact water softener design that is smaller and smarter.  The WaterBoss water softener has … Continued

Why Does My Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

One of the most common complaints we hear from people is that their water has a rotten egg smell. Not only does this nasty smell make water unpleasant to drink, cook with, and bathe in, it can actually cause problems for your home. So, what causes rotten egg smell in water, and more importantly, what … Continued

What’s the Best Water Softener for Well Water?

Some of the most common household water problems are caused by well water. While people with well water might think that investing in a water softener will fix well water issues, if they do not get the right water softener for well water, their issues may go unresolved. It’s true that water softeners can improve … Continued

How Salt is Used in Water Softeners

Salt is extremely important for the functioning of water softeners. In order to complete the water softening process, salt must be added to the softener regularly. Does this mean softened water tastes like the ocean water you splash in at the beach? Is the level of sodium in softened water unhealthy for your family’s diet? … Continued

Eight Indications Your Home Has Hard Water

According to the U.S. Geological Survey water hardness map, the majority of states have a significant level of water hardness. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not set a legal limit or standard for hardness in water, primarily because the elements that contribute to hardness (generally calcium and magnesium ions) are not toxic. Instead, there … Continued

Why Does My Water Softener Need Salt?

Water softener owners are often surprised to learn how important salt is in the water softening process. Salt must be regularly added in order for the water softener to produce enough soft water to meet household needs. This often leaves some homeowners concerned about the amount of salt in softened water and whether or not … Continued

WaterBoss 900IF Eliminates Iron Problems in Water

Some of the most frequent complaints we hear from people with well water can be traced back to iron. Whether it is laundry, appliances, bathtubs, or sinks, people with well water have problems with rust colored staining and keeping white or light surfaces bright. So, what’s the reason why homeowners with well water can’t seem … Continued

How Does the WaterBoss Softener Work?

The WaterBoss® water softener system provides whole house water filtration with its patented self-cleaning dirt and sediment filter. The following is a step-by-step description of how your WaterBoss does the job of providing you with fresh treated water. The Service Position Your WaterBoss begins its job in the service position. The service position is the … Continued

How Resin is Used in Water Softening

When considering the purchase of a water softener, you will probably come across mentions of ‘resin’ in your research. Resin is an essential component in the operation of a water softener. Understanding how resin is used in water softening can be very helpful in choosing the right water softener to meet the needs of your … Continued