Water Softener Comparison Guide

SpecificationsMODEL 700MODEL 950MODEL 900MODEL 900
+ Iron Filter
+ Acid Neutralizing Filter
Pro 180 (Menards Only)ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)
Reduced ContaminantsFerrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sedimentChlorine, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sedimentFerrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sedimentIron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, dirt & sedimentNeutralizes acidic waterChlorine, ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sedimentChlorine, ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
Household Number4+4+6+6+6+4+6+
Water Type EffectivenessWell and city waterCity WaterWell and city waterWell and city waterWell and city waterWell and city waterWell and city water
Regeneration Time19 minutes22 minutes25 minutes44 minutes7 minutes18 minutes29 minutes
Gallons of Water (per regeneration)19 gallons21 gallons20 gallons66 gallons35 gallons19 gallons25 gallons
Salt Used (per regeneration)1 lb2 lbs1 lbs5 lbsUses calcite & corasex1 lbs2 lbs
Weight85 lbs105 lbs105 lbs115 lbs125 lbs85 lbs135 lbs
Dimensions14.75” x
18.75” x
14.75” x
18.75” x
14.75” x
18.75” x
14.75” x
18.75” x
14.75” x
18.75” x
14.75” x
18.75” x
16.5” x
18.75” x
Reduced Contaminants
MODEL 700Ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
MODEL 950Chlorine, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
MODEL 900Ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
MODEL 900 + Iron FilterIron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, dirt & sediment
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing FilterNeutralizes acidic water
Pro 180 (Menards Only)Chlorine, ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)Chlorine, ferrous iron, hardness (calcium/magnesium), dirt & sediment
Household Number
MODEL 7004+
MODEL 9504+
MODEL 9006+
MODEL 900 + Iron Filter6+
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing Filter6+
Pro 180 (Menards Only)4+
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)6+
Water Type Effectiveness
MODEL 700Well and city water
MODEL 950City water
MODEL 900Well and city water
MODEL 900 + Iron FilterWell and city water
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing FilterWell and city water
Pro 180 (Menards Only)Well and city water
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)Well and city water
Regeneration Time
MODEL 70019 minutes
MODEL 95022 minutes
MODEL 90025 minutes
MODEL 900 Iron Filter44 minutes
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing Filter7 minutes
Pro 180 (Menards Only)18 minutes
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)29 minutes
Gallons of Water (per regeneration)
MODEL 70019 gallons
MODEL 95021 gallons
MODEL 90020 gallons
MODEL 900 + Iron Filter66 gallons
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing Filter35 gallons
Pro 180 (Menards Only)19 gallons
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)25 gallons
Salt Used (per regeneration)
MODEL 7001 lbs
MODEL 9502 lbs
MODEL 9001 lbs
MODEL 900 + Iron Filter5 lbs
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing FilterUses calcite & corasex
Pro 180 (Menards Only)1 lbs
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)2 lbs
MODEL 70085 lbs
MODEL 950105 lbs
MODEL 900105 lbs
MODEL 900 + Iron Filter115 lbs
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing Filter125 lbs
Pro 180 (Menards Only)85 lbs
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)135 lbs
MODEL 70014.75” x 18.75” x 25.75”
MODEL 95014.75” x 18.75” x 30.75”
MODEL 90014.75” x 18.75” x 25.75”
MODEL 900 + Iron Filter14.75” x 18.75” x 30.75”
MODEL 900 + Acid Neutralizing Filter14.75” x 18.75” x 30.75”
Pro 180 (Menards Only)14.75” x 18.75” x 25.5”
ProPlus 380 (Menards Only)16.5” x 18.75” x 33.5”

Regeneration is the process of taking hard water and reducing it to softer water. The WaterBoss® units regenerate faster than competition, which in turn saves homeowners on their water bill, salt usage and electricity consumption.